Wow, what a summer.
The lovely
Charlotte came to visit for a week at which point we then partied in Sighisoara,
relaxed in Tirgu-Mures and went for a jaunt in the forests of Codlea.
Went to Busteni with Outward Bound to help with their Carpathian Adventure.
One day back in Tg-M to pack my bags
1-night in Timisoara with resident Scotsman Richard for an all night drinking tour
2 days + one night in Beograd. Fantastic people, beautiful city, brilliant fortress
Overnight bus to Serbian Side of Sarajevo in BiH. 2 ½ days of narrow streets and tiny cups of espresso
2 days in Mostar, Hercegovinia to see the Gatoraid blue water and the manly speedo wearing bridge jumpers
Side trip to Blagaj (Blah-guy) where I saw the Sultan’s tea house, drank from the source of the river Buna, cave tour and ate some fresh trout washed down with crisp local wine. All for 10 euros. + Sunset tour of Prince Herceg’s ruined mountain top fortress.
“Dino” my 18 year old Bosnian Croat innkeeper
Raging nightclub in the belly of a cave in downtown Mostar
“Cockta” the un-cola
Rafting with Hitko in Konjic on the beautiful and stunning Nreveta River
Drinks with Richard in Sarajevo
Sonny’s “War and Tollerance” tour of Sarajevo
Standing on the spot where the "shot heard 'round the world" was fired.
Bus ride to Srebrenica- no ATM= get the F@#$* out. Sad, ruined, and eerie town where 8,000 muslim civilians were systematically murdered and then burried in mass graves by bosnian Serbs during the recent civil war
Hitch to Dubrovnik and then walk across Serbian Bosnian boarder to the bewilderment of Border Agents
Making a detour to Novi Sad after being offered a lift there from the Bosnian Border. Riding with crazy Romanian music loving 50 year old Serbs all the way. (in each of my hitch hiking experiences there the locals insisted on buying me something to eat or drink along the way. In this instance it was cherry flavored ice cream.)
Enduring “Revenge of the Balkans” syndrome on my last day in Serbia
1 AM wild goose chase to find a place to sleep in Novi Sad before finding the ever so mediocre "White Boat"
Accidentally adding an extra zero at the ATM and withdrawing an exorbitant amount of dinars
Having my paperwork checked at the Romanian boarder more than a dozen times
Train ride from Timisoara to Mangalia in excess of 800km
PCV conference, late night poker and rowdy American beach football
One forgettable night in Eforia de Nord
3 nights at the legendary Vama Veche non-stop beach party
Sleeping in tents on the beach, perfect weather and most importantly tatei!!
The long journey home
Catching a thief with their hand in my pocket on my wallet and passport at the Brasov bus station.
Arriving home to an empty, dirty apartment at midnight.
Eternal sleep….